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About The Game

What You Need to Know About Our Game

In this app, manage a group of endangered species in a nature reserve together, solve some quizzes, decide on food, shelter, etc., and compete for the highest score based on how many of these animals survive until the deadline. Through this game, users can experience firsthand how fragile and vulnerable endangered species and their habitat are to destruction. Also, the users will be able to increase their knowledge about some of the endangered species around the globe.


The video in below will be the demo playing video. We are still making the app so please wait till we finish making it.


About The Game: About

About The Information Web

What is this web

In this web site, you can learn about some endangered animals which will appear in our quiz game. You will be able to solve quiz by reading this site and also, you can be a knowledge about endangered animals!!


About The Game: About
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