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About Us

What You Need to Know About Us

Hi there, we are AiluroCube, three girls from Japan currently in the Technovation Girls 2022 Japan program. The problem that we want to solve is the increase of endangered species due to environmental destruction. We concluded that the lack of knowledge about endangered species have a part in this problem. Therefore, we are currently making a game/quiz app to raise awareness about the effects that environmental destruction has on endangered animals.

We are taking interviews from individuals who:
a. Want to increase knowledge about endangered species and is eleven to fifteen years old
b. Want to test their knowledge about endangered species and is eleven to fifteen years old
c. Is a primary or secondary school teacher
If you have time and are willing to take interviews, please email us(!


a. 11歳から15歳で絶滅危惧種に関する知識を深めたい
b. 11歳から15歳で絶滅危惧種に関する知識を試したい
c. 小中学校の先生
お時間のある方、インタビューにご協力いただける方は、 でご連絡ください!

About Us: About
Sharp Shinned Hawk

Mission & Vision

Our mission is to improve everyone's knowledge about endangered animals and ecosystem with some joy.


About Us: About

Origin of The Team Name

Our team name is AiluroCube. This name comes from scientific name of the panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca. We took Ailuro which is the adjectival form of the word red panda.Why we choose panda is because panda is one of endangered species and we all like it best. We put Cube at the last because our team is consisted by three members.

​私たちのチーム名"AiluroCube"の由来は、パンダの学名である”Ailuropoda melanoleuca”です。この学名からレッサーパンダという意味である"Ailuro"を取りました。なぜパンダを選んだかというと、私たちが全員一致して絶滅危惧種であるパンダが好きだったからです。チーム名の後半にある"Cube"は私たちのチームが三人で構成されていることからこの単語を選びました。

About Us: About

Origin of The Game Name

Biodiverse Shelves means that you can learn about biodiversity by taking books (endangered species) from the shelves (this game) and studying them.

​私たちが開発しているゲーム名、"Biodiverse Shelves"の由来は、「本棚(私たちが作っているゲーム)から本(絶滅危惧種)を取って生態系や絶滅危惧種についてまなべる」という意味です。

About Us: About


Where the Passion Begins

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Responsible for coding


My name is Cheese! I have a white toy poodle at home, which always makes me feel at home! My favourite hobbies are writing novels, listening to the news, European history, Spanish and other Mediterranean cuisines, and Japanese food! The problems I want to eliminate are animal cruelty and the increase and extinction of endangered species due to environmental destruction.



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Responsible for coding and publicity


I'm Pito! I love animals. I want to own a cat but my dog, Pierre, hates cats, so... I regret I didn't start to own a kitten when he was a puppy... My hobby is playing the piano and swimming. Of course I love to play with Pierre. The best time is running with him. This is really good!!!
こんにちは!私はピトです!動物が大大大好きです!猫を飼いたいんですが私の愛犬ピエールが大の猫嫌いで... 今ではピエールが子供の頃に子猫を買い始めなかったことを後悔してます... 



Responsible for business​


My name is Shino! I love birds!
I'm interested in marine plastics and the avian brain. Recently, I've been into learning languages.
Nice to meet you!

しのです!鳥が好きです! 海洋プラスチック問題と鳥の脳に興味があります。 最近は、言語を学ぶことにハマっています!今はアラビア語、ドイツ語、Kulitanを勉強してます。 よろしくお願いします!

About Us: Team Members
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